Chemical News
SunSirs: The Market Price of Cyclohexane Remained Stable Oct 30,2024 SunSirs
Price trend
According to data monitored by SunSirs, as of October 29th, the average price of industrial grade high-quality cyclohexane in China this week was 7,833.33 RMB/ton, which remained stable compared to the same period last week. The price of cyclohexane remained strong this week, with manufacturers mainly offering discounts to take orders. The shipment was active, downstream demand was still acceptable, inventory was slowly consumed, and overall market procurement enthusiasm was still acceptable.
Analysis review
In terms of cost: As of October 29th, the cost support for cyclohexane was insufficient, and the atmosphere of downstream on-site negotiations was light. Cyclohexane lacked favorable support, and downstream follow-up was slow, mainly focusing on essential procurement.
Market outlook
The cyclohexane analyst from SunSirs believes that there will be insufficient momentum for the increase in cyclohexane market prices in the short term.
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