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New Version of REACH-IT Improves Processing of Pre-registrations in ECHA

https://www.chemnet.com   Oct 27,2008

On Friday 24 October, ECHA released a new version of REACH-IT, which has improved the performance of on-line and bulk pre-registrations. The REACH-IT portal was off line from 22 to 24 October to allow for the installation of this new release. ECHA will continue to monitor the performance of pre-registration over the coming weeks in order to guarantee that all companies intending to pre-register by the deadline of 1 December can do so.

With more than half a million pre-registrations already in the REACH-IT database and the growing size of pre-SIEFs, in the last few weeks the processing of pre-registrations and the addition of potential registrants into pre-SIEFs had slowed down. At the same time, the number of bulk pre-registrations waiting to be processed had been growing continuously.

To speed up the processing of pre-registrations, in this new version of REACH-IT the e-mail message alerting existing pre-SIEF members of a new pre-registration has been discontinued for the remaining weeks of the pre-registration period. Pre-registrants can still see other members of their pre-SIEF by checking their pre-SIEF page in REACH-IT.

The new release has considerably improved the processing of pre-registrations in ECHA. The number of bulk pre-registration files waiting to be processed has been reduced considerably; of the 1.400 in the queue before Friday, to only 14. In addition, 260 of the 476 files submitted over the weekend are also waiting to be processed.

Should the new release not deliver sufficient performance improvements, ECHA will explore additional measures to ensure that companies can successfully pre-register until the deadline of 1 December.

Some companies have expressed concern that they cannot confirm whether their preregistration has been accepted and were worried that the system would not recognise that they had pre-registered in good time. ECHA would like to inform companies that: Provided that a bulk pre-registration file that a company has submitted complies in format, structure and content with the requirements, the date of submission given to the company is the pre-registration date recognised by REACH-IT. If the bulk pre-registration file fails, the company is informed by REACH-IT within 8 hours, and must submit a new file for which it will receive a pre-registration date. So, if you have submitted a bulk pre-registration file and have not received your pre-registration numbers, you are advised not to resend the file unless you have received an error message.

ECHA is determined to secure the availability and operational effectiveness of REACH-IT over the coming weeks to ensure that all companies still intending to pre-register before 1 December 2008 can do so. ECHA continues to monitor the performance of REACH-IT and may apply further improvements to it. In addition Q&A’s and registration guidance as well as measures to ensure timely responses by the ECHA helpdesk on pre-registration will also soon be announced.

As stressed in the Stakeholder Day of 10 October ECHA calls on all industrial operators to help communicate the message that pre-registration is mandatory by 1 December for those who wish to benefit from the delayed registration of their substances or monomers.

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