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Middle East: Bombed Iraqi pipeline will take 4-5 days to repair: sources

https://www.chemnet.com   Mar 11,2011 Platts
The Iraqi northern oil export pipeline, damaged in a bomb attack Wednesday, will take four or five days to repair, a high level source at North Oil Company said Thursday.

"We think that the attacked part of the pipeline will take four to five days to be fixed and all the exports from that pipeline have stopped," the source said. "There has been some loss of oil from the broken part but so far we have no information of how much."

Oil flow was halted to the Turkish port of Ceyhan after the attack and a shipping source said there was enough oil in storage to fill one tanker, which was due to load a cargo Thursday for Italy's Iplom. Two other tankers chartered to Eni and the US' ConocoPhillips had been due to arrive in the next few days to load Kirkuk oil, a shipping source said.

"There is now 800,000 barrels in storage. It will be enough to load the cargo for Iplom," the source said.

Iraqi oil sources said Wednesday that it would take one or two days to repair the pipeline.

Iraq exported an average 2.202 million b/d of crude oil in February, of which 494,000 b/d was exported from the north.

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