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Sinopec Guangzhou Petchem's 1-mil-mt/yr reformer catches fire

https://www.chemnet.com   Jul 21,2011
A 1-mil-mt/yr reformer at Sinopec Guangzhou Petrochemical took fire Wednesday afternoon, but impact is estimated to be limited, a source with the refinery told C1.

"It is just a small accident, which may not affect crude runs," said the source.

However, "to prevent further accidents, the 1-mil-mt/yr reformer may go into brief maintenance. Hence, production of gasoline and other light oils may be influenced,"added the source.

Guangzhou Petrochemical has two reformers with annual capacity of 1-mil mt and 400,000mt, respectively, showed C1's data.

The refinery planned to process 1.02-mil mt of crude in July, as C1 reported earlier.

Guangzhou Petrochemical, located in Guangzhou City in South China's Guangdong Province, has a topping capacity of 15.7-mil mt per year. It refines only foreign crude, most of which is from the Middle East. It is designed to produce 220,000mt of ethylene annually.
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