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Chimbusco Shenzhen starts supplying 500CST bonded bunker fuel oil

https://www.chemnet.com   Sep 01,2011
Chimbusco Shenzhen started to supply 500CST bunker fuel oil in the second half of 2011, C1 learned from a source with the company.

This made Chimbusco Shenzhen the second company to supply such fuel in South China, after Brightoil.

"We are optimistic about the potential demand for 500CST bonded bunker fuel oil in Shenzhen as quite a few large container ships choose 500CST fuel oil to lower costs,"the source said.

At present, demand for 500CST bunker fuel oil takes up only about 20% of the total bunker demand in Shenzhen, far below that for 380CST fuel oil, said a source with Brightoil. However, it is possible for such demand to grow as fuel costs account for increasing shares among shipping companies' operation costs, the source said.

The 500CST fuel oil that Chimbusco Shenzhen supplies is transferred from Guishan oil tank farm in Zhuhai, C1 learned.
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