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Future European gas from LNG or conventional sources, not shale: poll

https://www.chemnet.com   Nov 17,2011 Platts
Delegates at a major European gas conference Wednesday doubted shale gas would be a "game changer" in the future.

In an opinion poll taken at the European Autumn Gas Conference in Paris surveying hundreds of delegates regarding how gas supplies to Europe would evolve over the coming two decades, opinion was split whether LNG supply would grow, servicing Europe, or if Asian demand would absorb LNG supplies leaving Europe heavily dependent on pipeline gas.

The pipeline option, which focused on the development of the southern import pipeline corridor from the Caspian Sea coming to fruition, slightly trumped a future of LNG reliance.

Few in the room, however, believed unconventional gas would become a game changer for Europe -- pushing out LNG and conventional pipeline gas -- nor in the scenario that Europe would fail to meet its gas infrastructure needs, leading to high prices becoming a major political issue.

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