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SunSirs: Summary of Zinc Concentrate Market in Various Regions of China on May 12th

https://www.chemnet.com   May 12,2023

  On May 12th, the quotation for zinc concentrate in Hunan region fell, with a price of 15320 to 15520 yuan/ton for zinc concentrate (50%), a decrease of 100 yuan/ton compared to the previous trading day.

  On May 12th, the price of zinc concentrate in Guangxi fell, with a price of 15320 to 15520 yuan/ton for zinc concentrate (50%), a decrease of 100 yuan/ton compared to the previous trading day.

  On May 12th, the price of zinc concentrate in Yunnan fell, with a price of 15470-15670 yuan/ton for zinc concentrate (50%), a decrease of 100 yuan/ton compared to the previous trading day.

  On May 12th, the quotation for zinc concentrate in Henan region fell, with a price of 15270-15470 yuan/ton for zinc concentrate (50%), a decrease of 100 yuan/ton compared to the previous trading day.

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