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China: Retail prices of GB IV vehicle fuel yet to be fixed in Guangzhou

https://www.chemnet.com   Aug 02,2010
The Guangzhou municipal government has yet to receive approval from the National Development & Reform of Commission on retail prices of GB IV vehicle use gasoline and gasoil, which was scheduled to be popularized in the city from Aug 1, C1's survey found.

Sinopec has get ready to offer GB IV gasoline and gasoil in all subsidiary petrol stations in Guangzhou, but retail prices were still pending approval, according to a source with the refiner. The company received no notification from local price bureau by far, the source noted.

The saying was echoed by a source with PetroChina.
Private petrol stations in Guangzhou were mostly reluctant to supply GB IV fuel, because the two oil majors offered a small volume of the premium fuel earlier with prices Yuan 300/mt higher than GB III grades, showed C1's survey.
Sinopec's supply of GB IV gasoline and gasoil will be produced by Guangzhou Petrochemical, while PetroChina would provide the products from affiliated refineries in Northeast China.

C1 reported earlier, Guangzhou planned to spread use of GB IV vehicle fuel from Aug 1 and allow 1-month interim period.
GB IV gasoline and gasoil have sulfur content of 50ppm.
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