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China: PetroChina Jinzhou Petchem to consume 28% more crude oil in Aug with CDU maintenance complete

https://www.chemnet.com   Aug 06,2010
PetroChina Jinzhou Petrochemical lifted crude oil refining plan for August by 28% from the previous month to 500,000mt after the completion of maintenance for its 4.5-mil-mt/yr crude distillation unit, a refinery source said.

As reported previously, Jinzhou Petrochemical started to revamp the above-mentioned CDU from mid-June, when the 1.2-mil-mt/yr No.1 fluid catalytic cracker was also shut down for maintenance.

Jinzhou Petrochemical, located in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province of Northeast China, has a topping capacity of 7.5-mil mt per year. Its mainly refines domestic crude oil from Liaohe Oilfield and Daqing Oilfield, as well as feedstock imported from Russia which accounts for 20-25% of the total.
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