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China: Shandong Dongming Petchem starts construction of 150,000-cu-m oil tank farm

https://www.chemnet.com   Aug 10,2010
Shandong Dongming Petrochemical started construction of a 150,000-cu-m oil tank farm in early August, according to a source with the refinery.

This tank farm comprises 100,000 cu m of storage capacity for crude and 50,000 cu m for oil products, expected to come on line in August 2011, the source said.

The refinery plans to build another 150,000 cu m of tanks under the phase-II project for this tank farm, also with 100,000 cu m for crude and 50,000 cu m for oil products, he said, "We will lease excessive storage capacity."
As the tank farm is 70-80 kilometers away from the nearest Dongying and Weifang ports, its oil delivery will be mostly by truck. "We chose this location as Dongying gathers quite a few refineries and demand for oil storage is strong," he explained.

Dongming Petrochemical is located in Dongying city, with 300,000mt of annual topping capacity.
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