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China: PetroChina Jinxi Petchem to refine 42% less crude oil in Aug

https://www.chemnet.com   Aug 12,2010
PetroChina Jinxi Petrochemical set crude oil throughput target for August at 290,000mt, slumping 42% from the previous month, a source with the refinery said.

The refinery shut a 1.5-mil-mt/yr coker for 45-day maintenance on Aug 1, the source said.

It plans to revamp a 3-mil-mt/yr crude distillate unit a 1-mil-mt/yr fluid catalytic cracker from mid-August, expected to be complete late September, the source furthered, adding all of the above units would resume normal operation early October.

Jinxi Petrochemical, located in Huludao City of Northeast China's Liaoning Province, has a topping capacity of 7-mil mt per year. It mainly refines Daqing crude oil and Liaohe crude oil besides a small amount of Russia sweet crude oil.
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