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China: PetroChina Daqing refinery cuts Aug crude oil throughput target by 53% on turnaround

https://www.chemnet.com   Aug 12,2010
PetroChina Daqing refinery plans to refine 290,000mt of crude oil in August, sharply down 53% from the previous month, according to a refinery source.
The refinery would start overhauling all of its units from Aug 17, expected to last 45 days, the source revealed.

Daqing refinery, located in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, has a topping capacity of 8-mil mt per year with complexity ratio hitting 0.75. It mainly supplies its oil products to the domestic market. It is capable of producing 15,000mt of naphtha per month, with nearby Daqing Petrochemical and Jilin Petrochemical as major consumers.
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