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US Commerce starts duty investigations for silicon metal imports

https://www.chemnet.com   Mar 30,2017 Platts
The US Department of Commerce on Wednesday initiated antidumping and countervailing duty investigations of certain silicon metal imports, following a petition from Globe Specialty Metals, a subsidiary of Ferroglobe.

Globe filed the petition March 8 alleging silicon was being dumped and unfairly subsidized in the US market. Commerce initiated antidumping duty investigations on silicon from Australia, Brazil and Norway, and countervailing duty investigations on silicon from Australia, Brazil and Kazakhstan.

The alleged dumping margins for Australia range from 28.58% to 52.81%; Brazil's range from 15.41% to 134.92% and Norway's range from 32.25 to 45.66%.

The US International Trade Commission is concurrently conducting investigations to determine whether the domestic industry has been injured. The ITC will make its preliminary injury determinations by April 24.

If the ITC issues an affirmative decision, investigations will continue and the DOC will be scheduled to make its preliminary determination for countervailing duties in June 2017 and for antidumping duties in August 2017. If the ITC decision is negative then investigations will end.

The scope of the investigation covers all forms and sizes of silicon metal, including silicon powder. According to a statement from Commerce, 2016 imports of silicon metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway had an estimated value of $33.9 million, $60 million, $17.5 million and $26.1 million, respectively.
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