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SunSirs: Under the Leadership of Bearish Factors, the Hydrogen Peroxide Market Plummeted Significantly

https://www.chemnet.com   Nov 10,2023 SunSirs

  According to monitoring data from SunSirs, since November, bearish factors have been dominant, resulting in poor terminal demand and a significant decline in the market. On November 1st, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 1,150 RMB/ton. On November 9th, the average market price of hydrogen peroxide was 950 RMB/ton, with a price drop of 17.39%.

  Negative factors led to a significant decline in the hydrogen peroxide market

  Since November, the stock market in the terminal paper and printing industries has ended, with a decline in orders for hydrogen peroxide and average market transactions. Hydrogen peroxide manufacturers lowered their factory prices one after another, causing a significant drop in hydrogen peroxide prices. The average market price had dropped to 950 RMB/ton, with a daily drop of 200 to 300 RMB/ton, a drop of nearly 18%.

  Market outlook

  Chemical Analysts from SunSirs believe that terminal demand is poor, and the future market for hydrogen peroxide may continue to be weak.

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