Chemical News
SunSirs: The Domestic Maleic Anhydride Market Was Consolidating at a Low Level on August 5th Aug 06,2024 SunSirs
On August 5th, the market situation of maleic anhydride in Jiangsu region was low, with a solid maleic anhydride ex factory price of about 6,200 RMB/ton and a liquid maleic anhydride ex factory price of about 6,100 RMB/ton. The main factories maintained stable prices, while downstream demand was mainly driven by essential needs.
On August 5th, the market situation of maleic anhydride in Shandong region was low, with the ex factory price of solid maleic anhydride around 6,250 RMB/ton and the ex factory price of liquid maleic anhydride around 5,750 RMB/ton. The main factories maintained stable prices, and the market supply decreased slightly. Downstream transactions were mainly driven by rigid demand.
On August 5th, the market for maleic anhydride in southern China was consolidating at a low level, with liquid maleic anhydride prices reference around 6,500 RMB/ton and solid maleic anhydride prices reference around 6,600 RMB/ton.
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