Chemical News
SunSirs: The Soda Ash Market in East China Operated Smoothly on August 20th Aug 21,2024 SunSirs
Price trend
On August 20th, the price of soda ash in East China was quoted, and the mainstream market for light soda ash was around 1,700-2,000 RMB/ton. On August 19th, the price was lowered by 50 RMB/ton; The mainstream market for heavy soda ash was around 1,850-2,000 RMB/ton.
Analysis review
The utilization rate of on-site production capacity was relatively high, the market supply was sufficient, and there was an expectation of cold repair downstream, and downstream purchased goods as needed, and the shipment of soda ash enterprises was average..
Market outlook
In the short term, the soda ash market is operating in a wait-and-see manner.
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