Chemical News
SunSirs: The Cyclohexane Market Was Weakly Downward in August Sep 02,2024 SunSirs
Price trend
According to data monitored by SunSirs, as of August 30th, the average price of domestic industrial grade high-quality cyclohexane was 7,833.33 RMB/ton. In August, cyclohexane prices showed a weak downward trend, with a continuous downward trend. The overall market lacked upward momentum, and downstream demand from manufacturers was generally average. The market transaction atmosphere was positive, and mainstream cyclohexane factory prices were stable with a strong trend.
Analysis review
In terms of cost: Since August, the pure benzene market has accumulated serious inventory, and the inventory backlog has continued to operate at a high level, making it difficult for prices to rise. At the end of August, the pure benzene market fluctuated and fell, and the market supply was loose. The focus of price negotiations was weak, and the rebound momentum of port pure benzene prices was insufficient.
Market outlook
The cyclohexane analyst from SunSirs believes that there was temporaily insufficient support on the upstream cost side and weak downstream demand, and it is expected that the short-term upward momentum of the cyclohexane market will be insufficient.
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