Chemical News
SunSirs: The Soda Ash Market in East China Showed Weak Performance on September 4th Sep 05,2024 SunSirs
Price trend ??????????????????????????????
On September 4th, the quotation for soda ash in East China was lowered, with the mainstream market for light soda ash being around 1,550-1,850 RMB/ton, and the price reduced by 20 RMB/ton; The mainstream market for heavy soda ash was around 1,600-1,800 RMB/ton, with a price reduction of 100 RMB/ton.
Analysis review??????????????????????
The comprehensive production capacity on site was relatively high, the market supply was sufficient, and the downstream market continued to be weak. Purchasing in the market followed up on demand, and the inventory pressure of enterprises was high. The soda ash market was weakly declining.
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