Chemical News
SunSirs: The Prices of Butadiene in Various Sales Companies of Sinopec Were Temporarily Stable on September 14th Sep 18,2024 SunSirs
On September 14th, Sinopec East China Sales Company implemented a price of 13,600 RMB/ton for butadiene from Shanghai Petrochemical, Zhenhai Refining and Chemical, and Yangtze Petrochemical, which remained unchanged from the previous trading day.
Sinopec North China Sales Company had implemented a price of 13,600 RMB/ton for butadiene at Zhongsha (Tianjin) Petrochemical, unchanged from the previous trading day.
Sinopec Central China Sales Company had implemented a price of 13,600 RMB/ton for butadiene from Sinopec China Korea (Wuhan) Petrochemical, which remained unchanged from the previous trading day.
Sinopec South China Sales Company's butadiene quotation: Guangzhou Petrochemical, Maoming Petrochemical, and Zhongke Refining&Chemical executed 13,600 RMB/ton, unchanged from the previous trading day.
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