China: Shandong independent refineries run at 40% Thu, up 1 percentage point on week

2010-07-30 09:06:46 From:
Operation rates of independent refineries in Shandong Province edged up to 40% Thursday, up 1 percentage point from one week ago, down 3 percentage points compared to a year earlier, a survey found.

Some refineries increased run rates on rises in prices of products from cokers, although negative refining margins of straight-run fuel oil worsened.
As of Jul 29, a total of 25 independent refineries were in operation in Shandong, feedstock throughput of which added up to 61,000mt daily, up about 2,000mt on week.

The survey involves in 29 independent refineries, with annual oil refining capacities aggregating 5.25-mil mt, accounting for 86% of the total topping refineries of Shandong independent refineries.

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