中国石化新闻网讯据电力新闻2021年5月26日报道,丹麦著名的绿色氢燃料供应公司Everfuel 5月25日表示,作为一个建造斯堪的纳维亚和德国之间的一个氢燃料加注网的项目的一部分,Everfuel已启动一项在2023年底前在丹麦提供多达19个氢燃料加注站的计划。
Everfuel launches Danish hydrogen fueling network to link Scandinavia and Germany
Renewable hydrogen company Everfuel has launched a plan to deliver up to 19 hydrogen fueling stations through Denmark by the end of 2023, part of a project to build a network between Scandinavia and Germany, the company said May 25.
The network of hydrogen fueling stations is part of Everfuel's plan to invest Eur1.5 billion ($1.8 billion) in the renewable hydrogen value chain in Europe, with a target of Eur1 billion in hydrogen fueling revenue by 2030, the company said in a statement.
"Everfuel aims to develop a Scandinavian hydrogen fueling network which will initially cover Norway south of Trondheim, Sweden south of Stockholm and Denmark," Everfuel said. "The network supports the STRING initiative for establishing a hydrogen corridor with refueling stations from Hamburg to Oslo."
The initiative is an EU co-financed public-private partnership across eight regions in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway that aims to develop the entire hydrogen value chain.
Everfuel's Danish network will include the company's Esbjerg, Kolding, Aarhus and Korsor fueling stations which are already in operation, and a high-capacity station at Amager in Copenhagen, due to start operations July 1.
The company will establish specific site locations in collaboration with local authorities and end users, with the first locations expected to be announced in 2021.
Everfuel has an ambition of establishing a hydrogen fueling network of 40-50 stations in Scandinavia by 2023, to enable at least a third of the population to live within 15km of a hydrogen fueling station.